Join the Mômji Team!

Working as a Mômji nanny is not only a job, but  also a career accelerator. You will take care of children and participate in their development and wellbeing while improving your professional skills.

The flexibility of our jobs gives you the opportunity to enjoy your student life while earning money.

We are constantly looking for nannies with different backgrounds but who share the same passion for shaping tomorrow’s world through the education of children.

Every year, Mômji hires around 4,000 nannies from all over the world and offers childcare in 8 different languages including English, Spanish, German and Arabic. We happily take care of over 5,000 children every week.



Would you like to be a part of the Mômji adventure? Follow this link  and become a Mômji Bilingual Nanny!

What are the  of working with us?

  • An attractive salary: between 11€ and 14€ gross/hour
  • Over 4,000 job vacancies throughout the year
  • Find a job close to your home with flexible hours (from 5 to 40h per week)
  • Get the opportunity to develop your professional and social skills
  • Get the opportunity to join our “CAP petite enfance program”
  • A personalized follow-up
  • Get access to all the deals and promotions negotiated just for you (housing, insurance, travels)

Click here to apply!