If your contract is not yet finished but you wish to leave, you will have to respect a notice period. This is 3 months in the case of an empty (unfurnished). However, there are some exceptions:
– Your accommodation is located in a tense area
> https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/loda/id/JORFTEXT000027399823/
– following a loss of employment
– health reason of the tenant
– Obtaining a first job
-Obtaining a social housing
-for beneficiaries of the active solidarity income or the disabled adult allowance
-due to a professional transfer
In all cases, you must send your notice by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or hand-delivered to the owner or landlord. If you leave your accommodation before the end of the contract, you must pay the rent and charges until the end of the notice period. This applies unless you negotiate with the landlord or if the landlord decides to move another tenant into the apartment. The clause “any month started is
due” clause in the contract requiring you to pay the full month’s rent even if your notice period has ended halfway is illegal. So this clause should not appear in your rental agreement.
When you leave your home, there are several things you should pay attention to:
– Make sure that you leave the apartment clean and tidy and that you don’t forget anything.
– The inventory of fixtures: As on your arrival, you will have to make the inventory of fixtures of exit. It will allow you to know, after comparison with the first inventory, if your accommodation has not been damaged, soiled or modified.
-Notify the CAF and inform them of your departure so that your rental subsidies can be adapted to your new place of residence (depending on the situation, they may be increased or decreased). If you do not report your departure, the CAF may require you to repay the aid. This change of situation can be
made online on the CAF website.
-Cancel your electricity and Internet contracts: these functions are often available on the websites of the service providers.