Starting from a local association, the project has taken on a national scope thanks to the impetus of ESN France and today partners from all over Europe are participating in the project.
The platform is now a must on the campuses where it has been deployed because it provides a unique intercultural experience!
Sharing, support, and welcome are guaranteed by users and local ESN associations.
C’est le nombre actuel d’utilisateurs de la plateforme.
Cela représente 20 000 binômes créés depuis le lancement de la plateforme, autant d’expériences vécues, d’amitiés créées, et de mobilités réussies !
Each mentor is committed to accompanying and guiding his or her buddy throughout his or her stay abroad.
He or she accompanies the buddy through the administrative procedures, helps the buddy live at the pace of life in the host city and introduces the buddy to the city!